Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Famous Case Involving Hair and Fiber Analysis

Wayne Williams
A famous case that included hair and fiber analysis is the case of Wayne Williams. Wayne Williams was suspected of the Atlanta Child Murders, but when the results of his polygraph test came up inconclusive the forensic detectives had no real evidence. But during his two-month trail prosecutors were able to find 19 different sources of fibers from Williams’ home and car. They were able to match those 19 different fibers to his bedspread, bathroom, clothes, carpets and dog and because of this along with some matching blood stains to the victims they were able to conclude that Wayne Williams was the murderer of those children.


  1. Ugh, I hate stories about the serial killers, but you did a good job with this subject. The only thing you might want to change is at the very end, you wrote "murder" instead of "murderer". Other than that, great work!

  2. oh but Katharine the serial killer storeis are the best mwuahahahaha >:D (jk) still i hvae this same story and i thonk you wrote about it very well
