Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hair & Fiber Collection techniques

Having evidence when you are going to court is a vital thing to have, so in order to have evidence you must make sure it is well preserved when collected.
The three common methods to collect hair and fiber evidence include visual collection, tape lifting, and vacuuming.

Visual collection- on certain surfaces hairs and fibers can be seen with the naked eye. By using a pair of clean forceps and trace paper you can remove the sample from the surface and onto the clean piece of trace paper. Once on the paper it can be folded and then packed in an envelope.
Tape lifting- With this method you apply tape to the location where you believe that the sample will be. Then you remove the tape and package it into an envelope.
Vacuuming- When using this method you go to the area where the suspected samples are and it is vacuumed. The evidence will be caught in a filtered trap that is attached to the vacuum. Once the area has been vacuumed and the samples have been collected they will be packaged in a clean piece of trace paper for submission to a laboratory. Vacuuming is NOT the best way to collect samples due to risk of cross contamination.
Collecting Hair with the use of forceps


  1. Great job on this! I didn't know about vacuuming about a way to collect hair/fiber, I might add that to my blog later. Vacuuming sounds a little too risky for a crime scene, though, since you really want to be as careful and precise as possible! Good job with pictures & explanations!

  2. yeah you would think that if used a vacum some hairs couldget lost or something but what do i know any ways good picture
