Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Famous Forgery Case in History

One of the most famous forgery cases is the Anthon Transcript forgery that was conducted by Mark Hofmann in the year 1980. In this case Mark Hofmann had created a forgery of the Anthon Transcript. The Anthon Transcript is a very valuable piece of Mormon literature. With the forgery he made of the Anthon Transcript he sold it to the Latter-Day-Saints church in the state of Utah for more than $20,000. While people were investigating his other crimes, which include the murder of the historian Steven Christensen (1985), they discovered that the Anthon transcript that was sold five years earlier from that point was a fake. They discovered this along with the forgery of the Joseph Smith III Blessing and the Salamander Letter.

File:Ref. Egyptian.jpg
One of Hofmann's other forgerys.


  1. I wrote mine about this guy, too! I think it's crazy that the church didn't realize that it was a fake when they bought it for $20,000. And to think that this guy got away with forgeries a couple of times! Anyways, maybe just add in the caption of the picture the title of the forgery, just to show what other important stuff he's forged. Great job!!

  2. wow 5 years o.o? interesting.

    the image compliments the text very well; it looks visually appealing in general; great explanation.

    good job :)

  3. no 5 years before they convicte him XD
    good job this case sounds better than mine
